

Stephan Flemmig, Die Herrscherweihe der Hedwig von Anjou nach dem Krakauer Ordo ad regem benedicendum als Quelle spätmittelalterlicher Herrschaftsauffassung

Paulina Buchwald-Pelcowa, Censorship and the Fight Against It in the Baroque Period

Małgorzata Dajnowicz, Political Sympathies of Poles as Exemplified by the North-Eastern Lands (19th/20th Centuries)

Elżbieta Znamierowska-Rakk, The Genesis of the Idea of a Bulgarian-Yugoslav Federation and Its Fall After World War II

Jacek Tebinka, British Propaganda Directed at Poland Between 1947 and 1956

Dariusz Jarosz, Maria Pasztor, An Attempt at a History of Meat in People's Poland

RESEARCH IN PROGRESS Maria Bogucka, Women's Lot in World-Wide Perspective REVIEWS

Maria Bogucka, The Inferior Gender. Woman in the History of Europe from Antiquity till the 21 st Century (Janusz Żarnowski)

"Historical Review", vol. XCVI, 2005, Nr 2 (Maciej Ptaszyński)

William Urban, The Teutonic Knights. A Military History (Wiesław Sieradzan)

eds. M. Fend, M. Koos, Männlichkeit im Blick. Visuelle Inszenierungen in der Kunst seit Frühen Neuzeit (Andrzej Wyrobisz)

eds. J. Friedrich and E. Kizik, Studies in the History of Art and Culture in Gdańsk and Northern Europe (Stanisław Roszak)

Hans-Joachim Müller, Irenik als Kommunikationsreform. Das Colloquium Charitativum von Thorn 1645 (Stanisław Salmonowicz)

Hugh Ragsdale, The Soviets, the Munich Crisis and the Coming of World War II (Hanna Marczewska-Zagdańska)

Andrzej Gawryszewski, Poland's Population in the 20th Century (Janusz Żarnowski)

ABSTRACTS NEWS Centenary of the Society of History Lovers, 1906-2006 (Andrzej Rachuba) House, Property, Client, Servant -- Reflection of the European Elites' Position in Material and Social Spheres, 13th-19th Centuries (Olga Miriam Przybyłowicz) Time in Culture and Social Life (Magdalena Gawin)